Coach Profile:

Jamie Deamer
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Jamie Deamer Ski Instructor image of
Customer Testimonial

I'm steadily learning the art of Off Piste skiing and there is no other place better than The Development Centre. I opted for private tuition and my tutor, Jamie, was an excellent guide and teacher who had a lot of patience and knew what terrain would best suit me as well as pushing me gradually out of my comfort zone in order to progress. The bespoke service was second to none. Will definitely book further sessions. Dan

Coach Profile:

James Puckett
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portrait image of James Puckett
Customer Testimonial

We have used TDC in Meribel/3 Valleys for the last 3 years in various combinations - instruction for younger kids, older kids, adults and whole family guiding. Always professional and well led by Jamie. Great local knowledge finding the best snow during challenging spring conditions, pointing us to great restaurants too! Confidence that the kids are receiving excellent tuition whilst having enormous fun is incredibly reassuring. Look forward to using again next year! Ginger_Cat

Coach Profile:

Neil Milne
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portrait image of Neil Milne
Customer Testimonial

Used TDC on numerous occasions for family trips with 2 kids and for "Dads" trips all of which have been great fun and all of us have improved massively! These guys no what there doing..they take all the pressure off find the best snow in the 3 valleys and just make the whole experience fun and exciting whatever your ski level..cheers guys. Tim

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