Ski Instructor Training in Val d’Isere
Pro Courses in Val d'Isere
Pro Courses in Tignes and Val d'Isere
TDCSki have developed a reputation for delivering exceptional ski instructor training courses using their experienced trainers in the BASI and NZSIA system. The courses are sutiable for those who are training for a course or exam and also for those insrtuctors who wish to brush up on their professional skills in a supportive and challenging environment.
At TDCSki we have a culture of continued professional development which is an integral part of our DNA. We believe this motivates and inspires our team, and in turn our clients, to continually strive to improve.
The success in TDCski’s pro courses is seen in the success of our students in their professional exams, and the enduring popularity of our courses. Book ealry to avoid disapointment.
We have a range of instructor training options in both Val d’Isere and Tignes to suit your budget and timescale.
We have a range of options to suit your level and budget
The perfect way to polish your performance before your BASI assessment.
Train and perform in all the skiing strands with a BASI trainer, understand exactly what will be required for success, make final changes to your tactical and technical approach, prepare your exam technique and be ready to ski above the level.
Develop a more consistent performance across all the skiing strands.
You will access all the attributes of the 1 week course but with more time to practice. Practice is useless or even damaging if you practice the wrong stuff, so give yourself the time to benefit from the watchful eye of your trainer and hone an accurate performance.
Give yourself the opportunity to have your skiing broken down and rebuilt if necessary.
You will access all the attributes of the 2 week course but with more time to consolidate lasting changes to your performance, spend the time, get serious and get it right.
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Gapski is the most affordable and all inclusive ski instructor training course available.
The 10 week course runs during the winter season and is based in Tignes, part of one of the greatest ski areas on earth, l’Espace Killy.
By joining Gapski you can set yourself on a new career path in the ski industry or simply have the experience of a life time while becoming a better skier and gaining a recognised qualification as a BASI ski instructor.
Gapski is run by TDC, and is based out of Tignes.
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This training option is a huge amount of fun, whether you are training for the Test Technique with a view to teaching in France, or preparing towards a BASI technical course. Whether training for fun or even for Masters races, Slalom will improve your technique in a big way!
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Training on the hill is very individual so it doesn’t matter whether you are training for fun or targeting the December Eurotest. It tends to be a whole lot of fun! If you are serious about learning to go fast with a very structured and measured approach, this will suit you down to the ground. We lead right up to the first Eurotests of the season and this is an ideal preparation.
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Pro Courses in Val d'Isere
Pro Courses in Tignes